As a fully selective high school, Perth Modern School provides rigorous stimuli for students across a range of curricular areas. Additionally, programs are in place to further intellectually stimulate and challenge our gifted students.

Students are taught under the principles of Gifted and Talented education, in which the curriculum is differentiated to cater for the needs of gifted students. This is done so that they may fulfil their potential through opportunities to direct, manage and negotiate their own learning, both as group members and as individuals within the classroom. The curriculum is differentiated on the basis of acceleration, extension and enrichment.

Curriculum Opportunities

Perth Modern School’s purpose is to nurture a love of learning in order to develop academically gifted and talented students enabling them to reach their full academic potential. We aspire to develop engaged, creative, independent lifelong learners who will be contributing and responsible members of the global community.

The Perth Modern School experience reflects both an exceptional academic outcome and exceptional ‘rounded’ experience in a co-educational environment. Students can be confident they are involved in the highest quality teaching and learning environment with a cohort of like-minded peers. Additionally, students enjoy a wide variety of co-curricular opportunities through music, sport, clubs and tours.


Academic Curriculum

Our curriculum employs three key approaches to challenge and engage students: acceleration, enrichment, and extension. In the Middle Years, we compress core content to allow for deeper exploration of complex material through enrichment activities. This approach enables students to delve more thoroughly into challenging concepts while moving at an appropriate pace.

For twice-exceptional students - those who demonstrate both exceptional abilities and learning differences - we provide differentiation that addresses their unique combination of strengths and needs. Our teachers are trained to support neurodiverse learners, particularly in addressing executive function challenges that often accompany giftedness.

Through carefully planned differentiation, teachers adapt content and instruction to meet diverse learning needs while maintaining high academic standards. This tailored approach ensures that each student engages with material at their optimal level of challenge. Throughout all programs, our teachers strive to create an engaging learning environment where content is not only stimulating and challenging but also enjoyable and relevant to students' lives.

Accessing Advanced Placement

Whilst the school will never insist that any child should access advanced placement, the school may make recommendations to parents based on subject results and teacher observations. The decision to accelerate a student by subject will be based on consultation with the parent, and recommendations from the child’s teacher and the Head of Learning Area. In the case of advanced placement by year, opinions will also be sought from the School Psychologist and the Manager of Student Services. The recommendation will be made by the Associate Principal. Parents who wish their child to be considered for advanced placement should contact the school to make an appointment with the Associate Principal – Learning and Teaching.


Enrichment broadens the range of experiences for all students, and encourages expansion of knowledge and skills in the regular teaching and learning program. It enables gifted and talented students to participate in learning based on their own performance and skills. Enrichment activities include:

  • Clubs and competitions
  • Excursions and guest speakers
  • Hands-on experiences
  • Use of Information Communication Technology (ICT).


Extension deepens the understanding of students in a particular subject area, and also encourages expansion of knowledge. Extension activities include:

  • clubs and competitions,
  • excursions and guest speakers,
  • university extension studies,
  • use of mentors.

The recognition that students should proceed at their own rate and at their respective ability is an important aspect of sequential learning. Individual students at Perth Modern School are encouraged to progress academically at a rate consistent with their abilities, needs and interests. We encourage parents to work closely with their children when selecting their courses. We endeavour to ensure that students will be able to select courses appropriate to their interests, abilities and needs, and that all will find satisfaction in their schooling. Curriculum Handbooks are designed to provide students, parents and staff with information about the range of courses offered at Perth Modern School is available for both the Middle Years and Senior Years. The relevant handbooks are made available to students before they make academic selections for the following year and are available on this website.


Mod Curriculum

At Perth Modern School the curriculum is designed to provide opportunities for students intending to progress to tertiary studies. Teaching and learning programs reflect the expectation that our highly able students have the ability and desire to be challenged through a broad education.

Our curriculum encompasses:

  • High expectations for all students
  • Gifted and talented teaching and learning principles
  • Curriculum which is differentiated, compacted and accelerated
  • Appropriate challenge
  • Deep core learning
  • Breadth
  • Learning beyond the classroom
  • Personalised learning opportunities
  • Co-curricular opportunities
  • Support for all students
  • Personal development