The Sphinx Society is open to all Years 10, 11 and 12 students and is designed to encourage academic excellence in Senior Years students.
Eligibility is by semester and is determined at the completion of each semester report. Membership is for the semester following earning the award.
Achieve ‘A’ grades in 6 subjects/courses studied.
This includes Year 11 subject equivalents. No allowances made for accelerated courses.
Have a minimum of B grade in all other subject/ courses including instrumental/ performance music.
Maintain Good Standing for the semester.
Have an attendance rate above 90 per cent.
Achieve five ‘A’ grades in any course combination in Years 11 and 12.
Have a minimum of B grades in all other courses.
Maintain Good Standing for the semester.
Have an attendance rate above 90 per cent.
Students may appeal the decision if extenuating circumstances affected their semester grades.
The appeal is to be from the student and emailed to the Associate Principal - Student Services within two weeks of the Sphinx Society Members being notified.
A panel of three will make the decision and inform the student if they have been successful in their appeal and thus achieve Sphinx Society membership.
To graduate as a Sphinx Society Member the student must have qualified for the Certificate of Commendation.
At the Presentation Ceremony students who have been members of the Sphinx Society for all Six Semesters will be acknowledged.
- 20 House points each time a student qualifies.
- Guest speaker program.
- Acknowledgement through newsletter, morning teas and certificate.
- Time with high achieving students.
- Honour Board for six semesters achieved in Years 10 - 12.
- Badge awarded at the start of the membership and pin after four semesters.