The Perth Modern School Uniform Shop is run by Lowes and is located near reception outside the Andrews Building. The Shop can be contacted on (08) 9388 3543. Parents can order uniform items online at using the link below:
2025 Opening Days
Monday - 8.00am - 11.30am
Thursday 8.00am - 11.30am
The Lowes Uniform Shop located at the school will open for business on select days of the school holidays. These are:
Monday, 3 February 8.00am - 4.00pm (extra trading day)
Tuesday, 4 February 8.00am - 4.00pm (extra trading day)
Thursday, 6 February 8.00am - 11.30am (Back to normal trade)
The Lowes Kardinya Park store will be open every day of the school holidays, except Christmas Day.
The Perth Modern School P&C operates a Second Hand Uniform Shop with a range of good quality current uniforms including music 'concert' uniforms. The shop is located on the Lower Ground Floor of the Andrews Building. The shop runs on card transactions and does not accept cash payments. The Second Hand Uniform Shop is unable to accept returns. For upcoming opening dates, please also check notices in Compass, the Information Update and the P&C Facebook page.
Thursday, 30 January: 12noon - 4.00pm
Monday, 10 February 8.30am -11.30am
Monday 24 February 8.30am -11.30am
Monday, 10 March 8.30am - 11.30am
Monday, 12 May 8.30am -11.30am
Monday, 9 June 8.30am -11.30am
The P&C SHUS volunteers are delighted to receive any good quality, clean and resaleable uniform items that are no longer required. Please hand the items in at reception or directly at the SHUS on any of our opening days.
Students in Years 8-12 participating in the music program at Perth Modern and are performing in music concerts must follow the music concert uniform requirements below.