The Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) invites all parents to attend meetings which occur twice per term during Week 3 and 7 of each term, commencing at 7.00pm in the McCusker Boardroom in the Beasley Building. The meetings conclude at approximately 8.30pm.

The Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) invites all parents to attend meetings which occur twice per term during Week 3 and 7 of each term, commencing at 7.00pm in the McCusker Boardroom in the Beasley Building. The meetings conclude at approximately 8.30pm.

The P&C is a school-based organisation with membership open to parents, teachers, students and interested citizens. The P&C aims to:

  • provide a platform to bring parents, citizens, students and teaching staff together;
  • give parents a chance to be aware of all school activities;
  • provide opportunity to contribute to the school's resources through various fundraising events; and
  • involve parents in discussing how the money raised is spent.

P&C membership and participation in P&C meetings are voluntary. The P&C meetings provide great opportunity to meet other parents, hear about what is going on within the school and to voice your opinion on how P&C funds should be distributed. In addition, the Principal will report on school activities and be able to answer questions.

To view a summary of the latest P&C meeting minutes and meeting schedule please visit Connect.

You can also follow the latest news and event information on the P&C Facebook page.

For P&C Friends of Music related latest news and event information please join the Friends of Music PMS Facebook page.

All ideas and suggestions are welcome. Please reach out by email using either president@perthmodernpandc.com.au or secretary@perthmodernpandc.com.au

Committee Members Elected in 2024

President - Monojeet (Jeet) Ghosh

Vice-President - Wilfrid Johnston

Secretary - Steven Paradiss

Treasurer - Jill Champion

Executive Committee - Shane Best, Jade Furness, James Lear, Sharon Williams, Amanda Johnson

P&C General Committee:

WACSSO Representative - Sharon Williams

Communications Officer - Vacant

School Board Representative - Monojeet (Jeet) Ghosh

School Finance Committee Representative - Jill Champion

Friends of Music (FoM) - Peter Caulfield, Alana Dowley, Jade Furness, Angela Furness, Caroline Mayo

Second Hand Uniform Shop Representative - Dinusha Weeraratna

Buildings and Grounds Representative - Vacant

For an understanding of how the School Board, P&C, Finance Committee, School Executive, Student Council and Learning Area Teams work together to support students and provide effective school governance, see this diagram.

Friends of Music

The Friends of Music (FoM) is a sub-committee of the Perth Modern School P&C which meets twice each term to help and support with school concerts and other special events organised by the Music Department.

Its main purpose is to enhance the experience of the school's music program. It does this by liaising with the Music Department to:

  • organise the refreshments during the concerts
  • provide help with Front of House
  • assist with Music Tours
  • purchase new equipment

FoM endeavours to undertake fundraising activities to facilitate and contribute to the Music Department financially. Perth Modern’s long history of being a Selective School with a strong emphasis on its Music Program has led to students who are academically gifted continuing their passion in Music and the Arts.

The FoM community is great to be a part of in whatever way you can, and is always on the lookout for people to contribute actively.

The convenor of the committee can be contacted on FoMConvenor@perthmodernpandc.com.au